Screen DIY: Space & Object Performance

Application deadline: 8 January 2022




Screen DIY: Space & Object Performance
Dates:  17, 20, 24, 27 January 2022

Application deadline: 8 January 2022


Euripides Laskaridis invites artists from the visual and the performing arts to a collective exploration on DIY creativity, through our computer’s mics and cameras.

In this virtual workspace, the much vaunted and all-embracing quirky Greek performer and creator, will explore ways of being creative away from the stage. In light of his ongoing artistic quest on space and object performance, artists from a variety of different disciplines are invited to join in researching together on the uncharted territory that one may call: Screen DIY: Space & Object Performance.

Architects, designers, visual and/or performing artists with an a affection for DIY creativity, will be called to playfully examine the poetic and transformative potential that may lie in the modest everyday objects that surround us.

Participants will be invited to open up their drawers, closets and cupboards, play with everything that can be found near them, facilitate lighting fixtures and any type of sound producing gadget that one may find having at their home, working space or studio.

While nobody will be more knowledgeable than the other, in a virtual space of experimentation and playful trust without onlookers, the group will be called to look at our most familiar everyday objects through the lens of an eccentric and unconventional imagination.


Director and performer Euripides Laskaridis studied acting at the Karolos Koun Art Theater in  Athens and directing at Brooklyn College (NYC) on an Onassis Foundation Scholarship.

His artistic identity is inextricably linked to his own research on the themes of transformation and ridicule. As a performer, he has worked with such directors as Dimitris Papaioannou and Robert Wilson, among others. Since 2000, he has been directing his own works, both for the stage and award-winning short films. In 2009, he founded the OSMOSIS performing arts company and since then has staged their works at such venues and festivals as the Athens Epidaurus Festival, the Embros Theater, the National Theater of Greece, the Ancient Theater of Hephaestia, and elsewhere.

RELIC (2015), the company’s first touring stage work, has been performed at more than thirty festivals and venues around the world, including the Lyon Biennale de la danse, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Barbican Pit in London, and the Public Theater in New York. The twenty-one international tour stops of his work TITANS (2017) include Paris’ Théâtre de la Ville, Montreal’s Festival TransAmériques, Berlin’s Tanz im August, and the Hong Kong Arts Festival. His largest ensemble work to date, ELENIT (2019) – an international co-production (Belgium, France, Greece, Spain, Italy, Canada, The Netherlands, and Portugal) – had its world premiere at Onassis Stegi and began touring internationally in early 2020, just before the outbreak of the pandemic.

During lockdown, and with filmmaker Eva Stefani as a creative consultant, OSMOSIS created the short documentary film HERE NOT HERE, which screened on online platforms across the globe (Peru, Dublin, Porto, and Paris) during 2021. In 2016, Laskaridis was awarded an inaugural Pina Bausch Fellowship. The works RELIC, TITANS, and ELENIT have been invited to appear at a series of theaters and international festivals over the coming two years.


Dates:  17, 20, 24, 27 January 2022
Time: 1:00 PM CET (GMT +2)
Duration: 2.5 hours each session
Place: ZOOM platform
The sessions will be held in English.
The workspace will be recorded and result possibly with a public show of selected fragments from these recordings.


Anyone with an affection for DIY creativity is welcome from a from a variety of different disciplines such as visual artists, architects, designers and/or performing artists. Students are also welcome. A group of 12 participants will be selected to participate in the workspace and there will be no observers or any type of onlookers. Participants will need to have a laptop with Zoom and the camera will have to be working during the workspace sessions so as to actively take part in the process.

It is very important to be willing to play around and experiment with personal surrounding objects and artifacts. Simple writing and crafts material available  — such as papers, scissors, glue, pencils, markers and pens — is strongly encouraged. 

Application deadline: 8 January 2022
Persons chosen to take part will be notified by 13 January 2022.

Apply here :



STUDIO theatregallery: Anna Lewanowicz (Initiator and Head of the Project), Szymon Adamczak


Onassis Stegi (Athens): Christina Liata