Tomasz Tatarczyk “Sawing Canvas”, 1984, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 175 cm
Translating the title into a foreign language makes us return afresh to the work’s subject. ‘Piłowanie’, sawing, can also be colloquially applied, rather negatively, to describe playing an instrument, working on a painting, or someone’s stubborn demands.
The image is covered with rows of red and white dots and small holes. It resembles the tape from an old computer with digital data recorded in the binary system.
Three 1984 works in our collection by Tomasz Tatarczyk (1947–2010) are works of a conceptual nature. They talk about the possibilities and limits of painting. In 1985 the artist had a solo exhibition at the Galeria Studio, after which his work entered the collection.
Dorota Jarecka