
10 maja – 18 lipca 2021

Curator: Arkadiusz Półtorak


pictured: Wilhelm Sasnal, „bez tytułu (Skażenie)", 2000, courtesy of the artist


Opening: Monday, May 10, 2021, 12–9 PM

Kaya Behkalam, Przemysław Czepurko, Monika Drożyńska, Cilia Erens, Mahmoud Khaled, Jasmina Metwaly, Józef Robakowski, Tadeusz Rolke, Wilhelm Sasnal

Curated by Arkadiusz Półtorak

Collective silence, the hidden gaze, and the handshake, are just three of many figures of experience inscribed in works in the exhibition Out of Joint. All of the work can be read as testimony to living in conditions that are unconducive to spontaneous communication between people, building relationships based on trust, or developing affirmative projects of communal existence. The exhibition commemorates two anniversaries – forty years from the imposition of martial law in Poland, and ten years from the upheaval that began in Cairo with loud protests against the regime of Hosni Mubarak. At the same time, it is intended as a commentary on life in contemporary Poland and contemporary Egypt, where the consequences of political turmoil are felt not only on a legislative level, but also in the affective aspects of inhabiting public space and constructing collective memory.

Special thanks to: Osman Djajadisastra, Monopol Foundation, Biuro Wystaw / Polish Modern Art Foundation.

Exhibition continues until July 18, 2021
Exhibition hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12 PM–7 PM

10 maja – 18 lipca 2021

Kaya Behkalam
Przemysław Czepurko
Monika Drożyńska
Cilia Erens
Mahmoud Khaled
Jasmina Metwaly
Józef Robakowski
Tadeusz Rolke
Wilhelm Sasnal

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