Curatorial collective: Teodor Ajder, Natalia Andrzejewska, Dorota Jarecka, Tomasz Szerszeń




Teodor Ajder, Katy Bentall, Hubert Czerepok, Christina Dimitriadis, Louisa Gouliamaki, Anton Ginzburg, Koji Kamoji, Agnieszka Kurant, Sehar Mapara, Jadwiga Maziarska, Paweł Mościcki, Ghenadie Popescu, Eliza Proszczuk, Erna Rosenstein, Tomasz Szerszeń, Laura Waddington, Wiktoria Wojciechowska

September 16 – November 17, 2019

Opening: Monday, September 16, 7 PM

The exhibition Transfert at the Galeria Studio in Warsaw revolves around the questions of migration and exile. Its key motifs are phantom islands, shifting horizons, and the Mediterranean Sea as a borderline between death and survival, home and expulsion. In the current political situation, marked by armed conflicts, economic crises, the rise of authoritarian regimes and nationalism, ecological unsustainability and the oppression of women, “transfert” means circulation – of people, words, and objects. It points at the distortion of messages, the impossibility to grasp one’s identity and convey it to others. We also draw attention to displacement that occurs within artworks: broken structures of communication, exchanged codes. Transfert, a painting by Jadwiga Maziarska from 1980, features here as the visual motto of the show, and can be perceived as the representation of a message: biological, linguistic, and artistic.

Curatorial collective: Teodor Ajder, Natalia Andrzejewska, Dorota Jarecka, Tomasz Szerszeń

Exhibition design: Krzysztof Skoczylas

Production of the exhibition: Monika Rejman, Paulina Olszewska

Exhibition program 

September 21, 4 – 6 PM – curatorial guided tour

September 23, 7 PM – book launch Szwadron szwargotań. Nowa polska poezja protestu / Squawks’ Squadron. New Polish Protest Poetry

October 2, 6 PM – lecture by Klara Kemp-Welch (Courtauld Institute of Art, London) The Romanians are Coming! Representing EU Labour and Migration in the UK

November 8, 4 PM – guided tour with artist, Loisa Gouliamaki

November 17, 4 PM – workshop on the exhibition

Further events at and

Press release: GALERIA STUDIO PRESS RELEASE Transfert.pdf